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Entomologist's Useful Compendium, or an Introduction to the Knowledge of British Insects : C... by Samouelle, George, NCRS, Me... ISBN: 9781178566529 List Price: $41.75
Familles Naturelles du Règne Animal : Exposées succinctement et dans un ordre analytique, av... by Latreille, P. A. 1762-1833,... ISBN: 9781178617986 List Price: $44.75
Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects : Founded on the natural habits and cor... by Westwood, J o. 1805-1893, N... ISBN: 9781178624847 List Price: $39.75
Faune Parisienne, Insects Ou Histoire Abrégée des Insects des Environs de Paris, Classes D'A... by Walckenaer, C. a. 1771-1852... ISBN: 9781178643435 List Price: $37.75
Faune Parisienne, Insects Ou Histoire Abrégée des Insects des Environs de Paris, Classes D'A... by Walckenaer, C. a. 1771-1852... ISBN: 9781178640915 List Price: $37.75
Farm Insects : Being the natural history and economy of the insects injurious to the field c... by Curtis, John, NCRS, Metcalf... ISBN: 9781178646795 List Price: $43.75
Cabinet of Oriental Entomology : Being a selection of some of the rarer and more beautiful s... by Westwood, J o. 1805-1893, N... ISBN: 9781174799860 List Price: $27.75
Guide to the Study of Insects and a Treatise on Those Injurious and Beneficial to Crops : Fo... by Packard, A. S. 1839-1905, N... ISBN: 9781175996701 List Price: $53.75
Handbook of the Destructive Insects of Victoria, with Notes on the Methods to Be Adopted to ... by Victoria. Dept. Of Agricult... ISBN: 9781176016316 List Price: $28.75
Handbook of the Destructive Insects of Victoria, with Notes on the Methods to Be Adopted to ... by Victoria. Dept. Of Agricult... ISBN: 9781176019102 List Price: $27.75
Handbook of the Destructive Insects of Victoria, with Notes on the Methods to Be Adopted to ... by Victoria. Dept. Of Agricult... ISBN: 9781176017672 List Price: $23.75
Handbook of the Destructive Insects of Victoria, with Notes on the Methods to Be Adopted to ... by Victoria. Dept. Of Agricult... ISBN: 9781176017986 List Price: $26.75
Handbook of the Destructive Insects of Victoria, with Notes on the Methods to Be Adopted to ... by Victoria. Dept. Of Agricult... ISBN: 9781176034068 List Price: $29.75
Handbuch Für Naturaliensammler : Eine Praxis der Naturgeschichte; Mit 12 Farbtafeln, 31 Tafe... by Bade, E., NCRS, Tippmann Co... ISBN: 9781176037632 List Price: $50.75
Dictionnaire Universel D'Histoire Naturelle : (Vol. 1) résumant et complétant tous les faits... by Orbigny, Charles Dessalines... ISBN: 9781176044906 List Price: $60.75
Dictionnaire Classique D'Histoire Naturelle by Bory De Saint-Vincent, M. 1... ISBN: 9781176049987 List Price: $47.75
Les insectes de la vigne (French Edition) by Valéry Mayet, Tippmann Coll... ISBN: 9781178857498 List Price: $39.75
Histoire Naturelle du D�partement des Pyr�n�es-Orientales by Companyo, Louis, NCRS, Tipp... ISBN: 9781178463385 List Price: $62.75
Histoire Naturelle du D�partement des Pyr�n�es-Orientales by Companyo, Louis, NCRS, Tipp... ISBN: 9781178464368 List Price: $62.75
Elementary Manual of New Zealand Entomology : Being an instroduction to the study of our nat... by Hudson, G., NCRS, Metcalf C... ISBN: 9781178499988 List Price: $24.75
Dictionnaire Universel D'Histoire Naturelle : Résumant et complétant tous les faits présenté... by Orbigny, Charles Dessalines... ISBN: 9781176051546 List Price: $59.75
Die Forst-Insecten : Oder Abbildung und beschreibung der in den wäldern Preussens und der na... by Ratzeburg, Julius Theodor C... ISBN: 9781176067004 List Price: $29.75
A manual of injurious insects with methods of prevention and remedy for their attacks to foo... by Eleanor Anne Ormerod, Tippm... ISBN: 9781179108759 List Price: $32.75
Natural History of the Year : Being an enlargement of Dr. Aikin's Calendar of Nature by Aikin, Arthur, Aikin, John,... ISBN: 9781179390475 List Price: $24.75
Natural History of British Insects : Explaining them in their several states, with the perio... by Donovan, E. 1768-1837, NCRS... ISBN: 9781179406985 List Price: $22.75
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